Wondering about the material used for manufacturing plastic pallets? You may want to flip that question around and ask, what plastic material does my pallet application need? That's because plastic pallets can be made from a variety (and blends) of different materials to support specific environments. Plastic Pallet Materials
This quick guide provides an overview of popular pallet materials and is part 3 of a 10-post series on plastic pallets 101. (Part 2 addresses plastic pallet functions and designs.) Pallet materials are often divided into two broad categories:
How do I choose a Plastic Pallet Material? Let’s get back to our earlier point of selecting a material based on how you'll use the plastic pallet:
Plastic Pallet Materials as a Sustainable Choice Along with the popular materials noted above, molders are experimenting with all sorts of recycled plastic blends with a goal of keeping physical properties solid while saving cost. Because plastic pallets can be made from recycled material and are eminently recyclable, they can play a big part in your company's sustainability efforts. And, as a reminder, even virgin materials can meet sustainability goals due to long-term usability. Have a question about which plastic pallet material you should choose? Get in touch or post your question below. Also, be sure to catch our quick video on Plastic Pallets 101. In just 10 short minutes, we introduce you to even more basics about choosing plastic pallets. Post by: Hartson Poland, Business Development - Plastic Comments are closed.
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