Raw material pricing has everyone cringing. How can you save money on your shipping materials while still ensuring your product arrives safely? In today’s marketplace, businesses are hampered by inflation while still trying to offer products that are advantageous for customers to purchase. How do you accomplish this when material costs are going up from the time you place the order to delivery? Two words... smart packaging. Optimize your Pallet
Manufacturers often only think of the product and the component packaging when introducing a product. You also have to take time to spec out a proper pallet to complete your product shipping cycle. You do not want to over spec a pallet and pay for the extra material costs (or the additional weight when shipping). One of the best procedures of proper design is to review your packaging components, including your pallets, for smart design options. A packaging professor once stated that a perfect package would be completely consumed and worn out when it arrived at the end user. That’s all well and good, but I don’t want my product broken and have to reship the item either! This is where smart design comes in. What is Smart Design? Smart design starts with understanding your product attributes and shipping environment.
Are you Over Spending on Packaging? Don't just guess! Even if you have been using the same packaging for years, it can pay big to reach out and use an expert resource like The Nelson Company. Leave a comment below or contact us. A company like ours has technical resources to assist you in engineering the proper solution and purchasing the correct design to minimize your shipping costs. Post by: Tyler Pease, Technical Sales Consultant
Jeff Brenner
9/19/2022 05:21:30 pm
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