Have you ever had issues shipping your product out of the country? It might be time for you to consider a plastic export pallet. Over the past 10 years, the term “export pallet” has become more prevalent. Export plastic pallets refer to pallets that are shipped overseas or out of the country. “Your load is being held at the border.” These words will make any project manager or sales director shudder Since the new ISPM-15 regulations came out, thousands upon thousands of wood pallet unit loads have been turned away or held at the border by customs. Why?
One-Way Plastic Pallets to the Rescue As ISPM-15 regulations have increased the headaches associated with sending products overseas, affordable plastic pallets have become a solution. In fact, this new market has blossomed into an expanding product line that is also described as “one way” or “single trip” plastic pallets. These affordable plastic pallets are not only being sent overseas, but they are also making single trips throughout the US, Mexico and Canada on a daily basis. The Nelson Company is one of the top sellers of these new, cost effective export or one-way pallets. The 330 ACM plastic pallet is by far the number one selling single trip pallet on the market. It has become the “work horse” for a market that continues to grow year to year. In addition to being ISPM 15 exempt, there are several other benefits to the new one way, export pallets.
If your company has ever considered using plastic pallets for your one way or export shipments, now is the time to re-investigate. The Nelson Company has over 200 different new and used plastic export pallets available many of which qualify as one-way pallets for export.
Check out our plastic pallets today and fill out a quote request for the pallet that best fits your application. Post by: Mike Cunneen, Director of Sales and Marketing Comments are closed.
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