Happy Fourth of July. With your summer vacation plans in full effect, consider this... Have you ever needed a way to move all your beach supplies out to the beach? Your chairs, buckets, shovels, towels, umbrella and boogie boards can be a lot to carry. Nelson Company's creative customer, Tom Pickett, invented an amazing beach cart out of a plastic pallet. We've all seen interesting projects where people reuse wood pallets. But we think this one made from a plastic pallet takes the cake. Recently, Tom came to the Nelson Company with a plan to construct a beach cart. You see, Tom and his family have a beach house just a few blocks off the beach. He found that normal carts do not travel well across sand nor do they hold all of the family's beach supplies. Tom even created a similar cart last summer, but found that the deck did not hold up. That’s when he got the idea to use a plastic pallet. The strength, size and material of the plastic pallet deck served his design perfectly. Using furniture grade PVC piping and the plastic pallet, Tom created a one-of-a-kind beach cart. We love when customers come up with creative ideas for using plastic pallets! What could you create using a plastic pallet? Let us know by commenting below.
If you are interested in Tom's unique plastic pallet beach cart, you can reach him via e-mail. Tell him Nelson Company sent you. Post by: Kaitlin Manning, Creative Director
Fred Buskirk
1/20/2020 11:47:35 am
Love the cart. I would like to make a cart with the plastic pallet. Can I buy plans? And where can I buy the pallets. We live on Lake Erie in summer and Bradenton Fl. in winter. Would us it all the time.
Anthony Gallo
2/6/2020 10:22:33 am
Any chance there is a blue print for this design? Was hoping to get measurements and see how the wheels were attached underneath?
Troy Geiser
6/11/2020 04:00:47 pm
Blog Team
6/11/2020 07:26:48 pm
Thanks for your comment. We're so glad you like the cart. The designer is named Tom. A link to his e-mail address (if still valid) is posted in the last line of this blog post. You can try contacting him at that address for the plans. Unfortunately, we don't not have additional information. Comments are closed.
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