Does this sound like you? Every day you're packaging product and moving it on pallets. Nothing has changed in your system for years, decades even. It works, but as the cycle repeats (and repeats, and repeats) you keep wondering if you're leaking profits. We have all heard the definition of insanity, "doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results." This is Bill Murray's character, Phil in the 1993 movie Groundhog Day. It takes Phil most of the movie to understand this. Get Better Results
Companies spend a lot of money attempting to achieve different results. They implement new processes and hire consultants. Plenty of questions are asked, but then things stall. You may have tried the "5S Organization" process for systematically eliminating waste and improving flow. Or maybe you considered the "5 Why's" strategy for problem solving and decision making. These are great tools, but are you asking the right questions to break the endless Groundhog Day loop? Ask the Right Questions for Getting a Better Pallet
Break the Repeating Loop of Groundhog Day Change is what allows Phil to finally escape the seemingly endless repetition of Groundhog Day. Change is hard. We get that. But sticking with that old pallet or packaging design may be costing more than you know. Talk with a pallet expert today. We know a thing or two about finding ways to reduce your total cost of ownership (in places you may not have known to look). Post your questions below or get in touch for expert pallet and packaging advice. Post by: Tyler Pease, Technical Sales Consultant Comments are closed.
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